Saturday, August 8, 2015

The "Find a Need, Invent an App" Program at West Hollywood Private School

Dr. Coltea watched a segment on Shark Tank where a fellow talked about his app for finding scholarships.  SCHOLLY (get it?  Schol ar ship?) does the boring work for you:
See the Episode

-- What is your age?
-- What is your plan for study?
-- What are other data about you?
-- The app will look at every scholarship opportunity
-- The app will send you info about the scholarships that work for you.

Read about the episode
Cost:  99 cents.  The school is looking for a sponsor who will give every student the app at no cost.  Then you can use 99 cents to buy the next level of a language learning app.

Step One:  Observe the world.
Step Two:  Look for needs.  What do some people need?  
Is there another way to do someting or get information?
How do people gather information now?
Step Three:  Could an app help?
How could an app help?

The skill is NOT coding the app.
The skill is FINDING the NEED and Creating an idea for an app.
Then the skill is CHECKING to see if other people have already solved this problem.
Perhaps your idea for an app is more elegant, more efficient or helps a segment of the population that was ignored by other apps.

So ...
(1) Observe the world.
(2) Look for needs and problems.
(3) Study apps and ask, "What problem did this app solve?"
(4) Look for problems that have not been solved by an app.